The Society accepts both solicited and unsolicited submissions on topics of relevance to its aims and goals. It strives to maintain a high standard of quality, veracity, and significance in its articles; for these reasons potential contributors are urged to submit only articles of merit. Authors should understand that for reasons of space, as well as the above criteria, not all submissions may be immediately accepted for publication.
The Society and Journal are operated on a strictly voluntary basis, and therefore publication is occasional rather than periodic, as suitable material is collected and edited. Submissions may be made to editors AT seanreidsociety DOT org.
Copyright belongs to the contributor, or as acknowledged. Articles, images and multi- media content may not be redistributed or republished, in whole or in part, without the express consent of the society or the respective author. Any party who feels that attribution or permission for a copyrighted item is missing or incorrect is requested to contact the Editor so that the matter may be corrected.
Contributors to this journal have a personal responsibility for all they submit, and shall make every effort to ensure that appropriate permission is obtained for publication of material copyrighted by others. Where such is in doubt, the author shall inform the Editor who will either assist in obtaining the necessary permission, or remove the material. Sources must always be acknowledged, if not in the text then in the footnotes.
First and foremost, please try to emulate the style and standards used in this issue. PDF and Excel have been chosen for text and spreadsheets respectively. Submissions are accepted in MS Word but Adobe PDF is preferred. Documents supplied on paper must use one side only with one inch margins all around. Pages should not be numbered.
Pictures should be of reasonably high resolution in a standard format such as JPEG. Sound samples can be standard analogue recordings on cassette tape, on CD as wav or MP3 files. Video samples should be in MPEG, AVI or MOV format. Original drawings must be to a noted scale. They should be separated on a page by page basis and one side only of each page used.
With the introduction of the Google search feature on the front page, the need to provide an explicit name index for each article has been eliminated.
The author grants to the Society and its agents the right to publish submitted material in whole or in part, in print, electronic, and broadcast formats, provided the author is properly acknowledged.
Text will be justified left. The standard font used will be Times New Roman 12pt. Titles, sub-titles and sub-sub-titles are Bold 14pt, 13pt and 12pt respectively. Author's name in standard text size following the title on a new line. Each article title is preceded with a unique number, which will be allocated by the editor. Footnotes using standard numbers are by the page in Times New Roman 10pt. Lists are to be in 8 pt or 10pt. Names of books and periodicals will be in italics. Words in a language other than English will be in italics, but not personal names. Quoted text will be indented and quoted verbatim. [sic], square bracketed and set in italics, is to be used to indicate that a preceding word or phrase in a quoted passage is reproduced as it appeared in the original passage. Tune titles will be in double quotation marks unless in a list, in which case normal text will be used. Instrument names will use a capital e.g. Highland pipes or Union pipes.
The Society reserves the right to change its terms and conditions at any time.